I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
Proposed Beneficiaries
It intends to serve both urban & rural population with respect to eradication of poverty through provision of formal and non-formal literacy to children, women and youth and promoting awareness about health as well as harnessing sustainable development through ecological balance.
Thrust Areas
Working to promote health and hygiene amongst the vulnerable through awareness campaign and health check-up camps.
Working with the locally existing systems and structures for imparting education to children and women.
Working with grass-root level people on environmental issues like developing forests and plantation, gardens & kitchen garden through demonstration and people’s participation.
Attempting to improve the basic infra-structure of local people in terms of housing condition, water distribution and conservation and sanitation facilities through the use of government schemes.
Attempting to enable farmers for increasing crop-yield through the access to chemical fertilizer, hybrid seeds and pesticides.
Trying to promote awareness and to organize vocational training for promoting entrepreneurship like cottage industry.
Trying to spread awareness about micro-finance initiative amongst poor people.